Yesterday afternoon the latest batch of new models arrived - some Banshee attack skimmers, ordered through Aries games. The models are plastic, and the quality and detailing is excellent. Literally no trimming or tidying required, I just painted them up straight out of the pack. They are nominally 10mm scale, but since I'm using them as unmanned drones they fit in nicely with my 15mm scale forces.
With these new additions I think the Malroids are now a fieldable army. If each of the Scorp mechs was equivalent to a heavy tank platoon, and each of the Banshee's were equivalent to a medium tank, this formation would be roughly equivalent to an armored company.
The next additions I'd like to add to this force would be some smaller infantry-bots. Right now I'm considering these guys - the blank faceplates gives an eerie, ominous look which fits nicely with the army theme.
But really the next step has to be writing up some stats and rules, for both the Malroids and the Serpents. I'll be using Flames of War as the core system, and (as a starting point) "counts as" proxying from the existing WW2 army lists to get very rough initial points costs. From there I'll start adding any needed Special Rules and tweaking stats/points to better reflect the sci-fi units.
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