Wednesday, 2 December 2020

SC Cavalry Reinforcements

A second batch of miniatures for the SC Cavalry force has arrived, meaning I now have all the models to fill the TO&E. All the new vehicles have been assembled and base-coated.
Still a lot of detailing and drybrushing to be done, but it's looking good. One set of models in particular I want to put a bit more time into is the infantry stands. I started working on them with a color scheme in my head, but even at this early stage its looking very meh. The color scheme on the Rebel Mini web-site looks good (and would fit well with the vehicles) so I'm going to try and duplicate that.

The rocket launcher and ATGM variants of the APC have come out well; 

So yeah, all looking good, and it shouldn't be too long before this force is ready to go. 

Sierra Foxtrot (SF) - Overall Review

Standing back and looking at my painting table right now...

... I think there are two very clear conclusions here. First, I have spent waaayyyy too much money on miniatures and really need to get a social life. But also point two, these are five very cool 15mm sci-fi armies either finished or well underway. 

The last models I currently have on order is these guys - Shalur mercenaries. The plan is paint them up in a black/dark purple scheme and use them as infantry for the Malroid Swarm force. 

After that the Malroids need some form of command model. Right now the thought is a "Tactical Node" - an eerie, floating supercomputer, maybe in the form of a sphere or Platonic solid.  

1 comment:

  1. They look great and you can never have too many miniatures
